One Page Marketing Strategy and How it’s Implemented in Your Organization | Proactive Podcast Episode 145
In My Book Building Brands on Purpose I described the fundamentals of creating a PROACTIVE marketing strategy.
Since releasing this methodology to the world in 2021 I have discovered important improvements which help keep organisations on the same page, speaking the language of the board, c-suite and the marketing team.
Keeping this vision and purpose front of mind, simple to understand and speaking the same language between departments and levels of seniority couldn’t be more important which was the problem I saw years ago and now have improved and implemented these changes through consistent pressure testing and innovation of the PROACTIVE methodology.
This latest series of videos supersedes the first edition of the book where I describe how the proactive marketing methodology helps you chunk down your strategy into different stages and bring it together into one simple to understand one page PROACTIVE strategy.
I expect that I will bring out the second edition in a year or so allowing at least 5 years to further pressure test the PROACTIVE methodology and also reveal my predictions for how some things will change/remain the same with the adoption of AI.
As discussed the PROACTIVE methodology has several strategic steps which it is very useful for:
Step 1: Process - getting your idea out of your head and applying first tests of viability and your own tenacity/ability to follow through
Step 2: Team Planner - testing your idea in a small work group of friends or colleagues.
Step 3: Research - Go deeper and perform your research on the market to see if your idea really has legs
Step 4: One Page Marketing Plan
One Page Marketing Plan
The one page marketing plan has several functions
Annual Plan
Provides birds eye view on what each quarters focus will be ...
P - Overarching Purpose & Values.
What quarterly Problems You Will “Solve” for your market.
R - Research
What are the quarterly Phrases which summarise the specific keyword focus for each problem (be specific! As some words are better used than others).
O - Opportunity
What are the quarterly Features/Benefits or Nework or Platform Improvements that will be focused on>
A - Audience Per Quarter
C - Content Per Quarter
T - Turn On - Channels per Quarter
I - Ignite - Investment per Quarter
V - Verification/Validation - KPIs/Goals/Key Results per Quarter
E - Evolve - How, When, Where and Who will conduct monthly reviews of your PROACTIVE plan to ensure you’re actively listening to your market and analysing the data to make informed decisions.
2. Monthly Action Plan
Taking your lead from the Annual View break it down into monthly actions being sure to always align with your purpose, pillars, problems, research and opportunity and just step it through as if it was one step after the other.
P - Problem/Pillar you’re focused on this month in line with your overarching purpose and values.
R - The ...
Phrase you’ll focus on. Right Now - Are you in education (innovation phase) or early adoption phase (industry leader/OG). Opinion who are your competitors to watch and do better than? Band - will you hijack a brand? Expression - what’s the ideal medium to express yourself that your competitors haven’t focused on?
O - What will you focus on this month?
Feature/Benefit. Website/Platform. Integration. Network
Audience - Which specific audience will your content speak to?
Content - What content types will you create?
Turn On - Where will you distribute your content?
Ignite - How much will you boost each piece of content for?
Verification/Validation - What key results will indicate success of this rollout plan?
Evolve - How will you make sure you’re ready for the next months evolution of the strategic plan?
3. Monthly Performance Review
Your reporting should confirm that you took all these action and that your analytics show the results of these actions.
in your report devote at least one page per PROACTIVE process to reflect the evidence of your actions and the results for monthly review and improvement with your team.
Be sure to update your next months plan with the improvements you could make when evolving your plan, for all of the parts of the plan, for example:
P - Purpose & Values exhibited in your content are on track of off track?
R - On track or off track? Eg Same phrase or different?
O - On track or off track? Do you need to tweak/double down/change tack?
A - Did you learn something about your audience targeting that could change how you speak to your persona(s)/target your advertising?
C - Did your content resonate with your audience? Did it get any traction?
T - Were your channels the right choice for your content/audience? Should you change what types of content you put where?
I - Were your investments balanced correctly per channel? Audience? Content?
V - Key metrics you’re watching to identify success of your campaign
E - Key lessons/preparations for next month
The speed at which you can perform your marketing and advertising is directly dependant on how clear your strategy is to the entire organisation, the size of your team and financial resources.
If you have a large team and financial resources this one page marketing strategy can be used as your monthly focus to address multiple pillars and solve multiple problems for your market.
If you have a smaller team and resources performing 30, 60 and 90 day sprints on one pillar/problem per quarter is more advisable.
Some would say, “this is two slow. I want monthly results!” but only results will tell whether traction is being gained month on month and if you’re able to move onto the next problem/pillar or whether you need to stay focused on the current problem/pillar.
Regardless of how your PROACTIVE plan looks the most important thing is to keep it alive and updated which will detail the evolution of your marketing and you’ll have a record of how you managed to stay on track but also evolved with the markets demands.
Now it’s time to go and be PROACTIVE :)