Heatmap Roundup: CrazyEgg, MouseFlow, SessionCam & ClickTale | Get Fact Up #37
Thanks for joining us for the 37th instalment of Get Fact Up!
This week we want to take things a bit further and show you some other premium tracking tools that will help you take your conversion optimization to the next level. Honestly these tools give you such a clear insight into behaviours, it’s creepy.
It’s almost like you’re watching over the shoulder of your visitors while they use your site.
Please, grab your coffee and enjoy the 37th week running of Get Fact Up!
Find Out More About CrazyEgg: https://www.crazyegg.com/
Find Out More About MouseFlow: https://mouseflow.com/
Find Out More About SessionCam: https://sessioncam.com/
Find Out More About ClickTale: https://www.clicktale.com/
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- G'day Australia, I'm Chris Hogan, Founder and CEO of MeMedia. It's time to get fact up. Early in the year we did a two part series on Google Analytics, so today we wanted to cover in a little bit more depth, some conversion tracking tools which will really help you understand behaviours of people on your website.
These tracking tools can seem a little bit creepy. It's almost like somebody's watching over your shoulder while you're navigating a website. Hmmm. Uh, are you watching me? Go away. So let's discuss some of the tools that you can use to help with your conversion optimisation. And heat mapping is high on the list.
So our first cab off the rank is Crazyegg. Crazyegg is a great tool that we use here at MeMedia and is fairly well known in the industry. If you don't know what a heatmap is it's basically an overlay on your website that shows hot spots of visitor activity. Each click is recorded and will increase the heat of a particular area. After a while you see popular parts of your website light up a little bit like fireworks.
Crazyegg has other tools other than just the heatmap. It has the scroll map. Scroll maps actually help you understand where on the page people are scrolling to. This helps you identify whether or not your pages are too long, or whether or not the majority of the users are seeing those really important items that you want people to click on.
Crazyegg also has a feature called confetti which is just like a heat map but it also shows you where each of the clicks has come from. Which is really cool if you wanna see what a particular type of visitor is doing. For example, you could see if your paid advertising visitors interact differently than social traffic. Starting at just $9US a month it's really quite a no-brainer to plug crazyegg into your website. All you have to do is plug a bit of code in and away you go.
Next tool is mouseflow. It's a little bit like crazyegg but you can probably get from the name it follows the mouse through the webpage. So if you have a very visually intensive website and you're wanting to know how people are interacting and considering clicks then mouseflow's right for you. Heat maps obviously, show you where people are clicking, mouseflow can show you where people are considering to click.
Mouseflow also has another feature which helps you understand user flow through your website. So how people are clicking from page to page. This can help you understand where people are falling off and where they are maybe being redirected. It's a great tool to increase time onsite and engagement with your audience.
Additionally mouseflow has a great feature which helps you understand users and their interaction with registration forms and contact forms. You can't see exactly what people are typing into the forms it's just an indicator as to how they're interacting. That's really important for keeping up privacy. Starting at just $24US a month mouseflow is another great tool that can help you understand and improve your conversions.
Next up we have a super cool tool that we absolutely love here at MeMedia. And it is called SessionCam. Being super cool means it kinda is a little bit creepy as well. Hey, hey, hey. But seriously SessionCam is absolutely awesome. It helps you understand exactly how people are navigating your website because it records their activity in a video. So you can watch through how they're considering to click, where they're actually clicking, and how they're entering forms.
Once again privacy is a concern so just so you know that field data that people are typing in is all hashed out and you can't see it, it's not recorded. And that makes sure that everybody's happy. To find out more about SessionCam you can actually sign up for a free trial. It's pretty easy to install and you can get recording straight away, so you can see how effective it is for your website.
So I hope you got a lot out of those three tools and understand the importance of user testing. User testing can help you understand your user interface design and how to improve it. This live type testing obviously tests your actual user on your website, your actual potential customer. Privacy is obviously important and it's well taken care of. So there's no reason why you shouldn't be using it. Get on board with crazyegg, mouseflow, or SessionCam today. We've included links from the blog to get you started. Have fun with those guys and we'll see you next week.