5 Pro Tips for Facebook Advertising | Get Fact Up #61
5 Pro Tips for Facebook Advertising
We mentioned in a previous video that Facebook has a habit of using jargon that goes over people's heads.
Facebook seems to answer only to itself - For those who have looked in the Facebook forums for help - You know that there’s more questions than answers.
It feels like you’re wading through a sea of confusion.
Just a quick FYI - Last month we created a comprehensive list that explains all of Facebook’s confusing jargon in simple terms.
Now all of these fancy Facebook words are great - But if you’re using the big blue giant for marketing, there’s only one thing that really matters right? - Return on Investment.
So how exactly do you work that out?
If you look at your ads manager dashboard you’ve probably found there's a lot of data. Data that can be displayed in a number of fancy ways - But it never really translates to a payoff.

Tip #1 - The word “results” can mean anything
This is the number one confusion for people using Facebook Ads Manager for marketing - The word "results".
So what does it mean? - The answer is... “it depends”
But let us explain that a bit further. When we say “it depends”, we mean it depends on what you chose when you setup the campaign.

Of course you want to know how much traffic comes from Facebook - This can be done in Google Analytics by going to Acquisition > All Traffic > Source/Medium. But what’s more important than the traffic is the website engagement.
Remember, website engagement is a huge ranking factor - Google loves it.
You need to look at things like bounce rate, time on site and average page views of your Facebook traffic - Especially around the spikes as this will relate to posts and ads that you published.
Facebook is a great place to drive highly engaged traffic to your website - But don’t just take Facebook’s word for it - Check your Google Analytics. If you’re not getting website engagement, the traffic isn’t that worthwhile.
Tip #3 - Shares are the sh*t
Everyone with a personal Facebook profile knows that the status updates with more likes are better. Shares are often overlooked. But this completely the opposite when using facebook as a marketing tool for business promotion.
The power of Facebook is in reach. If someone engages with your post, they are exposing your business to their friends and family.
The average person has 338 friends - So every time someone interacts with your brand - They put your message in front of a potential 338 extra pairs of eyes.

When you “Share” a post, it is permanently added to your timeline, and is guaranteed to be visible to your friends and family. It’s there until you decide to take it down, or it is pushed down by status updates.
Not only do shares reach more people, but they are basically an endorsement. A recommendation from a friend or family member.
We’ve said before that influencer marketing is an extremely powerful strategy - Facebook Shares is influencer marketing at it’s simplest.
You can see that there’s a lot more viral potential to shares as opposed to likes. Create “shareable” content and consider this a big factor of your Facebook post and Ad performance.
Tip #4 - Check your Reports!
The great thing about Facebook is the vast amount of consumer data you have access to.
You can advertise by age, gender, profession, location, interests and so much more.
Having all this at your disposal is fantastic, but just because you “can” advertise to the perfect type of consumer doesn’t mean you “should”. You need to start broad, then check the reports and make educated changes.

Reports are found under your business manager menu, under More Tools > measure & Report > Ads Reporting.

What you want to do here is first create a new report, then select your date range, and select breakdown: none. This will show you a report of everything that has happened during that time.
Export this report and you will get a spreadsheet that will let you look at everything about the customers you have spent ad dollars on. You want to see what type of people give you the best return.
Play with the order of your columns and look for standout numbers - What is the age that converts the best? What location? What profession? What Time of day?
You need to check these reports in as much detail as possible and use them to refine your saved audiences.
It’s also worth noting that these reports are unsampled data - Meaning that it is 100% accurate - Unlike the data in other areas of Facebook. To find out more about Facebook’s data sampling check out our video “The Truth About Facebook’s Ad Metrics”.
An interesting metric of Facebook ads is that you can see Frequency. As explained in our Facebook Marketing Cheat Sheet - Frequency means “The average number of times a single person viewed your Ad”.
Most marketers look at Ad Frequency like it’s the devil, and when that number gets too high they pause the ad or can it altogether. Many people think an Ad Frequency above 3 as a waste of money.
But what you need to consider is just how little people pay attention on social media. Most people are on Facebook while watching TV - they only really have one eye on the newsfeed, and pay even less attention to the right sidebar.
A Frequency of 3 is perfectly acceptable for the main newsfeed. That’s not just our personal opinion - psychology experts say that most people need to see something at least 3 times to remember it! We usually say anything up to 5 is nothing to worry about.
So to recap:
- - The word “Results” is referring to what you chose as your campaign objective.
- - Use Google Analytics to see what happens to your traffic after they click on your Ads.
- - Shares are the best form of engagement on Facebook Ads and Promoted Posts
- - Check your reports to find out how to refine your audience
- - Allow a your Ads a bit of Frequency to maximise your Reach
That’s about all we have time for Australia, thanks for watching! - As always if you liked this video, please take the time to subscribe, follow us, or sign up for our newsletter! Your support and feedback helps us make these videos even better!